Friday, April 23, 2010

Growing Pains

I woke up with a crink
in my neck. Must be early
arthritis. Stayed up past
eight and the pounding
of the ungraded tests
– or maybe it was
that third glass of wine –
are excavating rows
in my forehead next to
the zits – aren’t I too old
for all this? Five thirty
a.m., and all I want is
a cigarette.


A quién hablo
por la ventana
no hay ni nadie
que me vea de ahí
me saludan
la calle vacía
el pasto suelto
el caracól aplastado
lo pisó alguien anoche
corté mis trenzas
hace un mes
me quedo

haiku #4

Me gusté la luz
cuando volví hoy. No hay
que hacer, quejar.

Friday, April 9, 2010

summer rain

I have seen the water pipe in the ceiling
rest more comfortably on the plaster
heavy with usage since I’ve been here
even for me I’m liberal with continuity
and the depression hangs overhead
called the landlord and he said not to
worry because his sister needed help
on her house out of state – and the
sky opened up and it poured

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Holiest of Holies

to the nit-picky wonder
unforgiveable mundane
I have take a vow to you
for you it is a marriage
of convenience but for me
it is all I have, you are all
I have, dear life, and I do
not stand on ceremony
in the blowing embers I
will have none but you

Holy War

Jihad upon the children!
Jihad upon their books!
They will learn to read
and recite grammar
until the cows come home!
Jihad upon their parents!
They will help with the
Jihad upon discipline!
It is said that the child
will learn by rote.
It is said that the child
lacks in privilege.
Jihad upon socioeconomics!
It is said that these children
will not learn.

Friday, April 2, 2010

day 2

i send you

dear friend,

1 package organic beef jerky, original flavor, no artificial ingredients or preservatives; no added MSG; gluten-free, texas raised (of course).
2 trashy tabloids. sandra bullock is all up in that.
3 blue bonnets from the wayside of the mopac access road
pressed into the pages of the 75 Mind Building Crosswords from the Pages of The New York Times.
1 Love from Austin postcard.
3 badass temporary tats from the comal food store.
all wrapped, with love, in an american flag first class envelope.
with the hopes that it will find you resting,
resisting the urge to smoke
(among other things)
basket weaving
taking long walks by a picturesque lake
contemplating life by said lake
(but not too much)
it is spring in texas
and the bluebonnets await your return.